An essential role of NQDVRS is to provide Community Education and Training on Domestic Violence issues.
It may be helpful to set up some safety plans for you and your children. It is important that you don’t let your partner see the plan, but it is a good idea to talk about it with someone you trust that is close to you.
During an incident of violence at home you will want to do everything you can to avoid serious injury.
Make your own list (Birth certificates, marriage certificate, copies of Domestic Violence Orders, custody papers, passports, any identification papers, drivers licence, insurance policies, work and Income documents, Centrelink number, Medicare number, bank account details and statements, cheque book, cash cards, immigration documentation, adoption papers, medical and legal records, etc).
Arrange transport in advance.
Ask your family doctor to carefully note any evidence of injuries on your patient records.
Inform your children’s school and day care who has permission to collect the children.Review your banking and postal arrangements.
Review your safety plan often
Caution: Leaving can be the most dangerous time
Long term safety after Separation
If possible, use different shops and banks to those you used previously.
Consider installing an outside sensor lighting system.
Change locks and ensure window security. A security chain could be fitted to all entry doors and used at all times when the door is answered by you or your children.
Plan for extra safety between leaving your car and entering your home, e.g. an automatic garage door opener, safety lighting, or removal of shrubs or trees in the area.
Vary your travel routes to and from work. Keep a map handy and pre plan routes in unknown areas to prevent you from having to leave your vehicle.
Tell neighbours that your partner does not live with you and ask them to call the police if he is seen near your house, or if they hear an assault occurring.
Tell your employer that you have a protection order, or that you are afraid of your ex partner, and ask for your telephone calls at work to be screened.
If your ex partner breaches the protection order, telephone the Police and report the breach. If the Police do not help you are able to make a complaint.
Ask your telephone company about the installation of “Caller ID” on your telephone and ask for an unlisted number.Contact the Australian Electoral Commission and ask for your name and address to be excluded from the published electoral role.
Attend a woman’s education program to help you grow stronger and understand what has happened to you.